1. What are the requirements for exhibiting artwork through ARTScatalogue?

ARTScatalogue invites emerging artists living in South Africa, regardless of their prior gallery experience or online representation, to apply to our platform. We are dedicated to offering artists their first exposure in a gallery setting.


2. How do I exhibit my artwork on ARTScatalogue.co.za?

The process is straightforward. Complete the Application form, email it to admin@artscatalogue.co.za and include digital images of your
artwork for review. We will evaluate your work and notify you of our decision within 14 days.


3. Is there a cost associated with exhibiting my work for sale onARTScatalogue?

Yes, ARTScatalogue charges a once off processing fee per artpiece that
includes the featuring, documentation, and
marketing of all the paid for art pieces. Our aim is to provide artists with an easily accessible platform to sell their artworks at an affordable price.


4. Is there a commission on the sale of my artwork?

ARTScatalogue receives a 25% commission on each artwork sold, which helps cover administrative costs, sales expenses, website maintenance and promotions. The majority of the proceeds from a sale go to the artist although we recommend keeping the commission fee in mind when determining your selling price.


5. How is my art priced?

You have the freedom to determine the sale price, with guidance if needed. When submitting your application form, you will specify the selling price for each piece.


6. How will I know when my artwork is sold, and what should I do once it is sold?

Upon selling your artwork, you will receive an email and/or telephone call. We will arrange for either delivery or a courier to collect the sold artwork from you, and we will prepare it for shipping; there's no need to cover shipping costs as this is included in the buyers fee.


7. What types of artwork does ARTScatalogue accept?

We welcome applications for all two-dimensional and three dimensional art mediums.  Artwork being
accepted at the sole discretion of ARTScatalogue.


8. How does ARTScatalogue market my artwork?

We are dedicated to advancing your art career and market your work and our platform on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.


9. Do I need to sign my artwork?

Yes, all art should be signed, as it is essential for identifying you as the creator.


10. Who owns the rights to my artwork after it is sold?

You retain the rights to your art even after it is sold.


11. Can I seek other gallery representation while exhibiting withARTScatalogue?

While your artwork is displayed on our website,
ARTScatalogue holds exclusive online marketing rights. However, we encourage
you to pursue physical gallery representation simultaneously to increase


What if a piece of art is damaged after marketing on ARTScatalogue.

Please contact us immediately so that we can take appropriate measures to protect our patrons.


13. How do I receive payment once my art is sold?

We will transfer the sale proceeds to your bank account via EFT. We wait 8 to 14
days after the customer receives the artwork to ensure a smooth transaction.


14. How do I submit my art once my application is accepted by ARTScatalogue?

All art will be submitted digitally. High resolution photographs of the work can be emailed normally or via WeTransfer in the case of larger files.


15. What if my art sells privately while being advertised on ARTScatalogue?

We encourage all and every sale of your artwork. Please let
us know of the sale of the work within 24 hours of the sale so that we
can remove it from our platform for the care of our patrons.

For additional information or inquiries, please contact us at admin@artscatalogue.co.za or call us on 0648195308.